Bsc in Science in Computer Science
I completed my Bachelor's degree at the University of Malta, where I had the opportunity to delve into various facets of the Computer Science field. My studies ranged from utilizing high-level programming languages to develop web scrapers to working with low-level languages for embedded systems. This diverse experience allowed me to gain a comprehensive understanding of both advanced and fundamental aspects of computing.
My Bachelors Project
My thesis, titled 'Runtime Verification of Robotic Aspects of the Mars Rover,' focused on monitoring and verifying key aspects of the Curiosity Mars Rover built using ROS1. I developed a verification system in Java using LARVA (a runtime verification platform) to track various parameters in real time, such as the rover's speed, movement direction, and the position of its arm and mast. Data was extracted from the system using ROSmonitoring and fed into the verification system, where monitors were set up to detect potential obstacles and assess the rover's environment. Simultaneously, the next command to be executed was also sent to the verification system for validation. If the command met the specified criteria, it was executed by the rover; if not, it was discarded.
Runtime Verification for Trustworthy Computing
I had the opportunity to expand on the ideas from my thesis by exploring the security aspects of Runtime Verification. This led to co-authoring a paper, which I presented at the AREA 23 conference. In the paper, we explored the application of Runtime Verification in various security scenarios. If you would like to check it out you can view it here !